Get Ready To Get Fucked, Senior Idiots

Posted Dec 4, 2024, 9:17 PM

Get Ready To Get Fucked, Senior Idiots

Who gives a fuck about Grandma and Granda Idiot? Not Trump! In a huge fuck you to all his senior supporters, and to everyone else that depends on these programs as well, he's ready, willing, and able to slash the programs they need

Musk, however, has been clear that he believes the government has to be cut to the bone immediately which he admits will cause "hardship" that we will just have to bear.

Musk expects people to suffer in order to save the country from bankruptcy which he has decided is imminent.

the far-right senator from Utah, Mike Lee, posted a thread on Twitter/X in which he claims that Social Security is a scam that the government mismanages and must be reformed so that people can "invest" their money and avoid "dependence."

Wow, way to shoot yourself in the fucking face, senior Idiots! You likely just blew away a chunk of your own income - now's the right time to start thinking about pulling yourselves up by the bootstraps and get back in the workforce!

Thumbs up

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