Walmart warns Idiots that prices will go up

Posted Nov 25, 2024, 8:18 PM

Walmart warns Idiots that prices will go up

Hey Idiots, wanna learn something cool? When a tariff is placed on incoming goods, the company that imports the goods pays the tariff, not the originating country! This means, Idiots, that the company that pays that tariff will raise their prices because their costs have gone up. Get it, Idiots? THIS IS WHAT YOU VOTED FOR, EVEN THOUGH THE NICE RICH MEN TOLD YOU OTHERWISE.

Now Walmart and others are telling you Idiots that prices are going to go up:

Walmart ’s CFO, John David Rainey, said the retailer could have to raise prices on some items if President-elect Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs take effect.

“We never want to raise prices,” he said in an interview with CNBC on Tuesday. “Our model is everyday low prices. But there probably will be cases where prices will go up for consumers.”

But wait, it gets better! Because now you can pay more AND not have a job:

In a statement earlier this month, National Retail Federation CEO Matthew Shay described across-the-board tariffs as “a tax on American families.” He said it “will drive inflation and price increases and will result in job losses.”

Fantastic job, Idiots! But at least you won't have to worry about those trans kids and an effective black woman in office.

Thumbs up

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